Patient Info
Patient Age: Gender
Patient Height ( ): Patient Weight ( ):
IBW (kg): BMI: Use:
BEE: * = kcal
Lipids (%BEE): % = Total Lipid: kcal
Amino Acids (per kg): = Total AA: g
Kcal of Proteins:
PO Diet:
Calories from IVF Rate Based?
Dextrose Solutions -
Rate: x hrs
Total ml in 24h: ml
= Total Dextrose: kcal
Propofol -
Rate: x hrs
Total ml in 24h: ml
= Total Propofol: kcal
Tube Feeds? TPN?
Tube Feeds Rate Based?
Rate: x hrs
Total ml in 24h:
kcal per ml, AA per L, Fat per L
TF Protein Cal: TF Fat Cal: Total TF Cal:
AA: (g)
Dextrose: (g)
Lipids: Volume: (ml) Frequency:
Quantity Frequency Add Another Supplement (+)
Nutrition Requirements and Formula
Oral Diet:
BEE = kcal (Using Body Weight)
Goal = BEE x = kcal
AA (/kg) = = kcal needed
Lipids = = kcal needed
Total Calorie Intake
Overall Total: kcal
Recommendations (Beta)
**All content found on this Website was created for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have. Although we try to be as accurate as possible, relying on this data is solely at your own risk.**